Keeping an Eye on Progress: How Drone Surveys Can Improve Construction Efficiency

6/26/20242 min read

pouring water on person's hands
pouring water on person's hands

Construction projects are complex undertakings that involve multiple stakeholders and a tight schedule. Even minor delays can have a ripple effect, driving up costs and pushing back completion dates. For the West Bengal Public Health Engineering Directorate, which was overseeing the construction of a new water treatment facility in Newtown, Kolkata, India, staying on track was critical.

At Kesowa, we are a drone data mapping company that helps businesses unlock the power of aerial imaging. In the case of the West Bengal Public Health Engineering Directorate, we were tasked with providing a drone survey of the under-construction water treatment facility to monitor progress and identify any potential issues.

Revolutionizing Construction Monitoring

Construction sites are constantly evolving environments. Traditional methods of monitoring progress, such as site visits and manual photography, can be time-consuming and inefficient. Additionally, these methods may not provide a comprehensive overview of the entire site.

Kesowa’s drone-based surveying technology offered the West Bengal Public Health Engineering Directorate a faster and more cost-effective way to track the progress of the water treatment facility. Our team of expert drone pilots captured high-resolution images of the entire construction site, including the buildings, tanks, piping, and other relevant features.

From the drone-captured imagery, we were able to create a precise 3D model of the site. This 3D model allowed the West Bengal Public Health Engineering Directorate to visualize the construction progress from any angle and to compare the current state of the site with the original building plans.


By using drone surveys to monitor the construction progress of the water treatment facility, the West Bengal Public Health Engineering Directorate was able to:

· Identify and address potential problems early on, before they caused costly delays.

· Track the progress of the project more efficiently and effectively.

· Improve communication and collaboration between all stakeholders involved in the project.

The use of drone surveys for construction monitoring benefits a wide range of stakeholders involved in a construction project, including: Project managers, Engineers, Contractors and Investors

The Future of Drone Surveys in Construction

The Kesowa case study for the West Bengal Public Health Engineering Directorate is a great example of how drone data mapping can be used to improve efficiency in construction projects. If you are a construction project manager looking for a way to improve your project’s efficiency, then a drone survey from Kesowa may be the perfect solution.

Blog post written by Shwejal & Vidushi, Kesowa Summer Research Interns 2024

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