Leveraging Drone Technology to Combat Dengue: A Kesowa Success Story

6/21/20242 min read

As urbanization continues to reshape the landscape of cities worldwide, the challenges of maintaining public health and safety grow ever more complex. One of the persistent threats to urban populations, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, is the proliferation of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever. At Kesowa, we believe in harnessing the power of advanced technology to address such pressing issues. Our recent project with the Nabadiganta Industrial Township Authority (NDITA) in Kolkata, West Bengal, is a testament to how innovative solutions can make a significant impact on public health.

Identifying Potential Dengue Mosquito Breeding Grounds

The outbreak of dengue fever in various parts of Kolkata had prompted local authorities to seek effective measures to identify and eliminate potential mosquito breeding grounds. Traditional methods of inspection and mapping were time-consuming and often inaccurate. Recognizing the need for a more efficient approach, NDITA partnered with Kesowa to employ drone-based orthographic mapping technology to tackle the issue.

On July 30, 2020, our team deployed drones to conduct a detailed survey of Sector 5, an area encompassing approximately 2 square kilometers. The drones were equipped with high-resolution cameras and advanced sensors, capable of capturing precise and comprehensive data. The orthographic maps generated from this data provided a clear and detailed view of the terrain, highlighting areas that were likely to serve as breeding grounds for dengue mosquitoes.

The initial phase of the project involved a meticulous analysis of the orthographic maps. By overlaying these maps with existing geographical data, we identified several locations that required further investigation. The second level of field visits conducted by our team confirmed eight actionable points, each presenting conditions conducive to mosquito breeding. These included stagnant water bodies, improperly maintained drains, and areas with dense vegetation.


The actionable insights derived from our drone-based survey were shared with NDITA, enabling them to take swift and targeted actions. The identified breeding grounds were promptly treated with larvicides and other mosquito control measures. Additionally, the data provided by Kesowa helped in planning long-term strategies for environmental management and urban planning to prevent future outbreaks.

This project directly benefited the residents of Sector 5 and the wider community of Kolkata by significantly reducing the incidence of dengue fever. By addressing the root causes of mosquito breeding, NDITA and Kesowa demonstrated how technology can enhance urban governance and public health, creating safer and healthier living environments.

Blog post written by Shwejal & Vidushi, Kesowa Summer Research Interns 2024

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