Agriculture & Forestry

Drone and Satellite Data for Surveillance and Strategic Interventions to help strengthen Intelligence systems of stakeholders.

Mapping Animal - Human Conflict Zones

Identifying Human Settlements or Human Behavior leading to Animal - Human Conflict such as Elephant Conflict. Supported by Expert Analysts.

Study of Forest Fire Areas

Drone based active surveillance of Forest Fires, Intelligence Reporting of areas based on past areas, identification of Human Made Forest Fires encroaching into Forest Areas.

Afforestation Management

Bi-Annual Tree Count by AI in urban, rural and large vegetation areas, Audit of Afforestation Programs.

Use Cases

Horticultural Park

Tree Count of Horticultural Park at Alipore post cyclone Amphan.

aerial photography of forest
aerial photography of forest
Afforestation Programme Audit

Drone based survey and tree count of afforestation programme of 25 hectare plots.

Who stands to benefit?

”Drone data maps give me eyes on the whole forest, spotting encroachment before it becomes a problem.”

- Forestry Manager

”The software gives me the crop intel I need, boosting yields and saving on resources.”

Agricultural Producer

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